Optimist, ILCA 4 & 6, 29er, RS Feva - Championnat Junior ACVL - CN Pully

Tuesday, June 21, 2022   
 Optimist, ILCA 4 + 6, 29er, RS Feva  Championnat Junior ACVL  CN Pully
There was a good turnout and light winds on Lake Geneva this weekend for another round of the regional junior annual championship. In the Optimist, Camille Vallotton CVVT won ahead of Tenma Rösti CNV and Edward Hirsch SNG. In the 29er, Aubin Maurer/Guillaume Witschi CNP won all 3 races. Thomas Vez CNM won the ILCA 6, in the ILCA 4 Rebecca Cook CNV was ahead. And in the RS Feva, Victor Bolle/Marin Carlier CNM won. All rankings.

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