ILCA 4 & 6, 420 - Jungfrau-Trophy - Thunersee YC - Day 1

Sunday, June 12, 2022   
 ILCA 4 + 6, 420  JungfrauTrophy  Thunersee YC  Day 1
As always, the beautiful weather provided good thermals on Lake Thun, the ILCA and the 420s were able to sail 3 races each yesterday. Sovereign Anja von Allmen RCO in the ILCA 6 with 3 race wins, Matthew Chassot BT and Andrea Dubois CVN are the first pursuers. In the ILCA 4, Shana Burger RCO took the lead, with Loïc Ramuz BT just one point behind. Three race wins were also achieved by Nino and Camillo Löfteröd DRSC in the 420. Theo Elbel/Liam Kuster SVT follow in second place. All rankings.

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