Regatta Weekend Switzerland - much activity on the second weekend after the Corona lockdown

Saturday, June 20, 2020   
 Regatta Weekend Switzerland  much activity on the second weekend after the Corona lockdown
Much sail racing activity on the Swiss lakes over the coming weekend. The Day+Night long-distance race on Lake Zurich started yesterday evening is about to end. A night regatta will take place on Lake Bienne as well. The Lasers have their first event of the annual Championship Series in Neuchâtel with 71 boats on the entry list. Lake Lugano, Lake Geneva, Lake Bienne, or Lake Sihl ... initiative Clubs and Classes bring back sailing with individual Covid-10 Annexes to the Sailing Instructions. Unfortunately, not all Clubs could reopen the invitations to traditional events, canceled earlier due to Corona, such as the RV Brunnen or SC Staefa.

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